I was inspired by a design I saw in the book Cake Chic by Peggy Porschen and instantly fell in love. The book is filled with one gorgeous design after another. There were a couple obstacles in my way. First there was finding the cutter. Now I am all for making templates and hand cuttting cookies but this particular week I had so much on me that I just wanted to keep things as simple as possible. I posted a picture of Peggy's cookie design on flickr with hopes that someone could help me track down a cutter and sure enough the incredibly talented Glory of Glorious Treats came to my rescue. She suggested this great company called Ecrandal. High quality cutters and excellent customer service!! Thank you so much Eric and Jamie!
Ok, so I have this gorgeous new cookie cutter and I still have one more problem. Peggy's cookie was absolutely stunning and had gorgeous piped royal icing details. Royal icing and I have a love/hate relationship. It just never seems to work out for me. For my version of the cookie I chose to go with rolled fondant instead. You simply use the cookie cutter to cut the fondant and place it on a warm cookie. I added a few details to the neckline and skirt and added a bow using real ribbon.